Qlikview Business Intelligence Reporting Tool Overview
All the basic things you need to know about Qlikview are on this page. If you wish to learn anything new always start with three questions What? Why? and How? I call it my 'WWH'. Let us start with the first W. What is Qlikview? Qlikview is a Business Intelligence reporting tool. The important features you require to know about Qlikview are: Association Rule: Enables real-time associative search and analysis. It works like a human brain it creates its own associations. It gives us in-depth insights into the data that amaze us. Multiple Data source conn ectivity: Easily consolidate multiple data sources. In Memory processing: Loads all data into in-memory. Data compression: Massive data compression (10-to-1). Create dynamic graphs and tables. Qlikview has two proprietary file formats QVW (Qlikview workbook) and QVD (Qlikview data). Qlikview is a product of the Qlik community. Qlik also has one more product called Qlik Sense. Qlikview is ...